Friday, September 10, 2010

Meat and Greet

July 31, 2010 -I woke up with back pain, numbness in my arm and hand, and when I stepped out of bed the pain in my heel was sharp and unrelenting. If it wasn't for the sleep apnea machine I used I would have been in a far worse mood from lack of sleep. As it was, I was tired anyway. Tired of being fat, and tired of hurting. Sleep shouldn't hurt. It hurt. I decided then and there that I couldn't do it anymore and something had to be done. That morning I went out and bought The Atkins New Diet Revolution and began to read.

I've been overweight almost my whole life. My chubby childhood, albeit with a brief skinny period between age 11-12,  transitioned into a chubby adulthood, and then a just plain fat one. I have yo-yo'd so much I should have a string tied around my waist. I have been on almost every popular diet. Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Slim-Fast, Beverly Hills Diet, Lose 10lbs in 5 days diet, Soup diet, Lean Cuisine diet, Fat-free diet, South Beach, and many more. All of them swore to make me thinner and healthier. I would have a little success and then I only ended up fatter and beat myself up over my lack of willpower. I was always hungry. That never went away. Doctors told me I needed to lose weight. Just eat less. Don't eat after 7pm. Get more exercise. Eat lots of fruit. Eat high fiber.  Done, Done, Done, Done, and DONE. I wasn't even back to square one anymore; I was at negative one.

The day after I started reading Atkins I started eating low-carb. I have never been more determined in my life. After 2 weeks of Induction I lost 9 lbs. *Happy dance* The third week I stalled. I hear that's normal. I had a problem though. I wasn't budging despite eating as told. Sure I had more energy and less cravings, but where was the lost poundage man?!? I started researching ways to get over the hump, and ran across a post on a low-carbers forum that mentioned Paleo eating. Como say huh? Eating primal? Before the age of agriculture? Seriously? I was intrigued. I don't know about anyone else, but having knowledge at my fingertips and information a few short clicks away, I get giddy and carried away. I spent the rest of the day looking it all up, and then the rest of the week as well. The blog that made it all click for me was the PaNu Blog. written by Dr. Kurt Harris M.D.   I decided to try it and immediately felt better, had ZERO hunger, and the lbs started melting. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!  As of today I am down 18 lbs and still losing.

This diet is controversial. This diet may not be everyone's cup of tea. This diet may even incite anger and ridiculous rants over ruining our health. I don't believe that. I want to give this a thorough try, and make my own judgments. Just what if everything we have been told about diet and health is wrong. Just what if eating "healthy" breads and grains, and staying away from fats was actually putting us on a an endless rollercoaster of constant hunger and consumption that only led us to Diabetesville and Heart Disease City, and Obesity Point. I believe my body is proof positive that it is not only grossly wrong, but dangerously misguiding. I ask only that people ask themselves questions and open themselves up to possibilities. I don't expect everyone to understand, but I would hope that people would be respectful.

So this is my blog. I am making myself accountable to the blogosphere. I encourage anyone reading this to check out my links and learn a little about this from others with far more experience than myself.
Meat for the WIN!

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